In La Union, Mexico.

We’ve been fans of an old sculptor of fantastical animals since we saw his works in Oaxaca early 2018. We however have no idea how to get in contact with him, except of a really vague address in an old book about Mexican crafts. We ask our hotel for advise on how to reach this rural destination some 50 km north of Oaxaca city. Hotel recommends a taxi to a village close the address and try asking around once there. With this no-plan we set of.
We meet our driver and tell him the name of the master, Quirino Santiago Cruz. Si, si. says he and adds that he knows where this man lives. We are pretty sceptic about this whole journey. Our driver starts asking us where we’re from, what we do and why we want to visit this man. With our vocabulary of some twenty words of Spanish we manage to tell something of what we do and start to become more friendly with him (Ramiro turns out to be the name of our driver) when he suddenly tells it’s his grandfather we are going to meet! Insane. Or loco I guess might be more proper.
Don Quirino at work.
Dona Margarita painting.
Work of the Masters
Niña with Balloons€115